Well Humans Blog

How to Heal the Gut / How to Get a Healthy Gut / How to Improve Gut Health

Eat Fat To Lose Body Fat

For decades we've all worked under the assumption that to lose fat we have to cut fat out of our diets. Thus the low fat craze was born.For decades we've all worked under the assumption that to lose fat we have to cut fat out of our diets. Thus the low fat craze was...

Leaky Gut and Malnutrition

Leaky Gut and Malnutrition

Vitamins are essential in maintaining your health. However, when you suffer from a leaky gut you can also be vitamin deficient (or malnourished). When you have leaky gut, it's likely you also may have an absorption problem. That means you can be eating the healthiest...

20 Ways to Curb Acid Reflux Without PPIs – Frank Lipman MD

20 Ways to Curb Acid Reflux Without PPIs – Frank Lipman MD

Proton Pump Inhibitors (PPIs) are popular drugs on the market to treat ulcers and GERD. They're also used in combination with antibiotics to treat Helicobacter pylori, a bacteria in the stomach that can lead to ulcers and in some cases even stomach cancer. I've been...

We Could All Use a Health Coach – The New York Times

We Could All Use a Health Coach – The New York Times

Curious about how Health Coaching can help you? We all want to get healthy and it's also very common that people experience a gap between what they know they need to do to be healthy, and actually doing it. You’re not alone! Many people struggle with making...

Do you have low stomach acid? Signs and simple remedies

Do you have low stomach acid? Signs and simple remedies

Low stomach acid can cause various symptoms ranging from gut dysfunction to skin breakouts. My friend and colleague Heidi, also know as The Healthy RD, wrote such a great article about this topic I couldn't resist sharing it with you. She discusses all of the...

Your Gut Health Depends On It—How To Deal with Toxic People

Your Gut Health Depends On It—How To Deal with Toxic People

Your gut health affects you overall health. Therefore it's very important to do what it takes to keep your gut well balanced. Nutrition is a great place to start, as well as looking deeper into your microbiome and any underlying infections or imbalances you have. The...

Probiotics for Your Health

Probiotics for Your Health

In recent years, new information has been released to show the benefits of taking supplements like probiotics. The human body is an organism that relies on hundreds of other types of single celled organisms to survive and function on a healthy level. These small...

Fermented Foods For Gut Health

Fermented Foods For Gut Health

Fermentation is a traditional way to preserve foods and dates back thousands of years. Most countries of the world have traditional foods that they ferment. The purpose of eating fermented foods is to restore your gut bacteria to a good balance so that your digestion...

The Most Important Thing To Know About Cholesterol – Frank Lipman MD

The Most Important Thing To Know About Cholesterol – Frank Lipman MD

Cholesterol May Not Be What You Think It Is Your lifestyle matters when it comes to your health, but it might not be as simple as you think. Understanding and education helps you to make the right decisions for your health. We've been taught that high cholesterol can...

What Depletes Glutathione? How to Boost Your Glutathione Levels

What Depletes Glutathione? How to Boost Your Glutathione Levels

5 Must-Know Facts About Glutathione If you’re looking for an immune booster that tops superfoods like blueberries, dark chocolate, walnuts, and broccoli, there’s one that needs to be on your radar right now: Glutathione. (As you say it, think: gluta-thigh-own.) It...

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