Well Humans Blog

How to Heal the Gut / How to Get a Healthy Gut / How to Improve Gut Health

Functional Medicine 5R Framework For Gut Healing

Functional Medicine 5R Framework For Gut Healing

Hippocrates knew this nearly 2500 years ago when he said, “All disease begins in the gut.” A properly functioning digestive system is critical to your good health. That's because your gut health is not only is related to stomach aches, gas and bloating... it is also...

What Is 4-7-8 Breathing?

What Is 4-7-8 Breathing?

I've been practicing 4-7-8 breathing for several years now and it's really a simple way to shift your relationship with stress, anxiety and sleep. In this portion of the article written by Arlin Cuncic published on October 26, 2021 on verywellmind.com you can learn a...

A Strong Immune System By Improving Gut Health

A Strong Immune System By Improving Gut Health

Your gut health has a direct effect on your immune system. As a matter of fact, about 70% of your immune system lives in your gastrointestinal tract. It’s amazing to consider that there are about 500 different species of bacteria living inside of you. Some are...

Changing Habits IS Possible

Changing Habits IS Possible

What is one habit that you want to let go of? We all have at least one, more likely many. Is it that daily glass of wine or two? The one “little” cookie you have to have each day since you need something sweet? Checking emails in the wee hours of the night since you...

Eat Real Butter

Eat Real Butter

Let's talk about butter. It's been a staple food or thousands of years, yet somehow it got a bad rep in the 50s or 60s and we were told that our butter and animal fat consumption in general was the reason heart disease was on the rise. The end result was that we were...

Calm Your Nervous System For Better Health

Calm Your Nervous System For Better Health

When it comes to your overall health... ESPECIALLY a good gut, it's REALLY important to regulate your nervous system. That's because your nervous system and your gut are intimately connected. The enteric nervous system, located in your gut is a network of nerves,...

Anxiety, Depression and Your Gut

Anxiety, Depression and Your Gut

Poor Gut Health Can Increase Anxiety and Depression Research has revealed that the gut microbiota is capable of influencing your brain’s chemistry as well as its behavior. Those suffering from IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome), for example, often suffer with anxiety and...

HCL and Digestion

HCL and Digestion

Why your Digestive System needs HCL The Role of Hydrochloric Acid Hydrochloric Acid which is also called HCL is a corrosive liquid. When we eat our meal, HCL is one of the chemicals we release. The role of HCL in our stomach is to break down foods which cause the...

Paleo Thanksgiving Recipes

Paleo Thanksgiving Recipes

Yes, you can have pie!! I know the holidays can create A LOT of stress when you're eating a nutritional plan that feels best for you. The problem is that it's different from your Aunt Diane, sister Jackie and father Mark. You don't want to be an outcast or be "that"...

Tips to Avoid Gluten Cross Contamination

Tips to Avoid Gluten Cross Contamination

Making the transition to a gluten-free diet is not an easy process and not one you can successfully complete overnight. It is a process that involves a lot of trial and error as you try to perfect your label reading and product researching techniques. A Gluten-Free...

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