Well Humans Blog

How to Heal the Gut / How to Get a Healthy Gut / How to Improve Gut Health

Transition to a Gluten-Free Diet

Transition to a Gluten-Free Diet

Making the transition to a gluten-free diet can be challenging. You want to feel better, cure your headaches, and improve your indigestion by changing your diet, but actually doing it can be a bit of a shock. Many of the foods you eat daily will be eliminated and...

Gluten Free Foods and Foods With Gluten

Gluten Free Foods and Foods With Gluten

Now that you understand a little more about what gluten is and how it affects your body if you have an intolerance to it, it is time to figure out what exactly you can eat. This is a new lifestyle, so don’t treat it like something you only do when convenient. If you...

Keep Grain Free Eating Fun

Keep Grain Free Eating Fun

So, you've decided to go grain-free to improve your gut health and reduce inflammation. This is a great choice, and you'll definitely be feeling the benefits in no time. But, it can be hard to stick to a diet plan if you don't enjoy what you're eating. Luckily, there...

Less Common Signs of Gluten Sensitivity

Less Common Signs of Gluten Sensitivity

While you might know about all the typical signs of having a gluten intolerance or sensitivity, such as stomach pain, indigestion, and headaches, there are some less common ones you might want to know about. Here are some of the less common signs of gluten intolerance...

What You Can Eat on a Grain Free Diet

What You Can Eat on a Grain Free Diet

Starting a grain-free diet can improve digestive functions and help fight against auto immune diseases. Many people often confuse grain-free with gluten-free, but they are not the same diet. A gluten-free diet will still contain grains since not all grains are...

Is Your Body Reacting to Trauma?

Is Your Body Reacting to Trauma?

Whether you are aware of it or not, you may be reacting to trauma in a physical way. If you are currently living with trauma you may be well aware of the aches, pains, physical and emotional discomfort triggered by trauma. Some indicators include: Disrupted sleep...

Report Past Trauma To Your Health Practitioner

Report Past Trauma To Your Health Practitioner

An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. The old adage encourages each of us to take action whenever possible to prevent illness, injury, or disease. It’s timeless advice that can keep us safe and healthy. Routine checkups help our medical providers get a...

Pain May Have a Trauma Origin

Pain May Have a Trauma Origin

Traumatic experiences leave their mark on the mind and the body. Experiencing trauma, whether it’s one time, or repeatedly, changes how the brain reacts to stress. Our bodies produce hormones that help deal with temporary stress. Over production of these hormones can...

Digestive Problems Can Be Linked To Trauma

Digestive Problems Can Be Linked To Trauma

Have you ever been scared, worried, or looking back on something in the past and started to feel queasy or worse, have to head for the bathroom? It’s amazing how our bodies can be triggered by our thoughts isn’t it? Research shows that four out of ten people suffer...

Trauma Is VERY Connected To Your Health

Trauma Is VERY Connected To Your Health

Trauma is the emotional response resulting from incomprehensible experiences. Suffering an attack, surviving an accident, or experiencing a natural disaster isn’t something everyone goes through. It’s not normal or natural to face these types of experiences. When we...

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