I am so interested in learning more about this topic, I attended my first official conference this past weekend at Maryland University of Integrative Health on this subject. I am blow away by the presentations I experienced and the amount of knowledge I left with. I will share the takeaways in another post. That said, this is a very new field which will grow over time. I personally have much more to learn before I can apply this effectively in my practice.
My obsession with my genes started 4 years ago when I did 23andme to get more information for a possible missing link in my own healing journey. I did not have any expectations that any genetic mutations revealed, would dictate my overall health or be the solution to any specific challenges. I was just seeking more information. Genes express differently for each person and the way you actually live your life can turn on or off your genes. Therefore, epigenetics is actually more important.
In the past few months as I began classes in genetics, I learned about a new gene report that delivers a user friendly comprehensive analysis of how to best eat for your genes. You see, 23andme delivers raw data that then needs to be uploaded to a third party providing a report which is easily understood. The legible report shows which mutations you have and how many copies of each. This new report I discovered, truly blows the others away by describing your genetic strengths and weaknesses as it relates to your diet, nutrients and lifestyle. You even have the option of getting a consultation with your report to go over it in more detail.
I wanted to share more about the topic straight from their website on how they describe what Nutrigenomics is and how their report can make a world of difference in understanding what foods and nutrients are best for each individual person.
Where Nutrition Meets Genetics.
This is the reason that one diet cannot suit all of us, and it’s also why so many studies and sources of dietary advice seem to continually contradict.
The genome is the complete set of DNA, and where you find the instructions to build health. The DNA remains fixed for life, but the epigenome remains flexible.
Nutrition has an “epigenetic” effect on our DNA. In other words, nutrition is one of the major ways we can change the destiny of our genetic healthy history and reverse disease statistics.
The reason that one diet cannot suit all of us and that population studies are continually contradictory with dietary advice is because we are all different. Genetics and biochemistry help us discover how we are different, and what we can do to potentially overcome disease susceptibilities through the understanding of epigenetics by applying it to our diet, lifestyle, and your environment.
Nutrition Genome is dedicated to finding the most effective nutrition plan for you by determining what your body specifically needs, making your nutrition plan more healing, holistic, and powerful.