National Board Certified Health and Wellness Coach (NBC-HWC)
Carla Alpert, FDN-P, FMCHC, NBC-HWC
As a National Board Certified Health and Wellness Coach (NBC-HWC), I am trained to support you through the process of change to help you reach your goals.
Based on lifestyle pillars of diet, rest, exercise, stress reduction, and social connections, as well as the recommendations of your healthcare provider, I help you reach the goals you set out to achieve. Some call me their ally, their cheerleader and also their accountability partner. First and foremost I am here to listen to you, and can also educate you at your request.
In short, I am 100% with you, and for you.

How Can Health and Wellness Coaching Help You?
My job is to listen with unconditional, nonjudgmental positive regard. I believe in your capacity for change. I honor that each of you are an expert in your own life and I help you to align with your values. I help you determine action plans step by step, and offer support along the way.
These are some examples of how we can work together:
- Weight management
- Changing eating habits
- Managing restricted diets
- Supporting you through a diet of your choice
- Supporting you through recommendations and protocols of your healthcare provider
- Having a full and rewarding life even with limitations
- Getting better sleep
- Stress reduction techniques such as meditation, visualization, and mindfulness
- Incorporating movement into your day
- Creating more joy and fun in your life
- Giving up habits that don’t not serve you any longer
- Getting your mojo back.
- And more

Functional Diagnostic Nutrition Coaching