What is one habit that you want to let go of? We all have at least one, more likely...
Functional Medicine Nutrition / Food as Medicine / Gut Health Foods / Foods Good for Gut Health
Eat Real Butter
Let's talk about butter. It's been a staple food or thousands of years, yet somehow it...
HCL and Digestion
Why your Digestive System needs HCL The Role of Hydrochloric Acid Hydrochloric Acid...
Paleo Thanksgiving Recipes
Yes, you can have pie!! I know the holidays can create A LOT of stress when you're...
Tips to Avoid Gluten Cross Contamination
Making the transition to a gluten-free diet is not an easy process and not one you can...
Vitamin Deficiency And Aging
Most people have some sort of vitamin deficiency. It’s no surprise because we are a...
Help For Leaky Gut
What Is Leaky Gut? Leaky Gut Syndrome, also called intestinal permeability is when the...
Gluten-Free Isn’t A Fad
Why going gluten-free isn’t a fad diet Doctors have recognized gluten sensitivity and...
Gut Bacteria Affect Your Weight
Here's a few ways how your gut microbiome affects your weight. They change how much...