Have you sometimes wondered about a missing link to your overall health? Learn about the many faces of trauma and my experience with Somatic Experiencing (SE). The SE method works to release stored energy, and turn off the threat alarm that causes severe dysregulation and dissociation.
Carla Alpert
Meeting Jackie today was one of the highlights of my day! After two years of virtual friendship we finally had the opportunity to meet in person
Meeting Jackie today was one of the highlights of my day! After two years of virtual...
This nutrient dense meal took 10 minutes to prep. Wild halibut with a variety of colorful veggies I found in my fridge. All simmering on the
This nutrient dense meal took 10 minutes to prep. Wild halibut with a variety of...
#selfcare means to honor where you’re at in any given moment and do what you need to best support and enhance your well-being. Sometimes that means
selfcare means to honor where you’re at in any given moment and do what you need to best...
Advice From Pema Chödrön. Lean In and Let Go.
I spent a weekend with Pema Chödrön recently at Omega Institute. Pema is a American...
This is what went into my morning smoothie. For a well balanced start to your day add mostly greens, some healthy fats like 1/4 avocado, nuts,
This is what went into my morning smoothie. For a well balanced start to your day add...
Can you guess which desserts are gluten free, dairy free and grain free? Neither could anyone at the party! People always think eating this way is
Can you guess which desserts are gluten free, dairy free and grain free? Neither could...
A Beet-Beef Burger and Salad for Methylation Support – Kara Fitzgerald ND Naturopathic Doctor
Dr. Kara Fitzgerald is one of my favorites in the functional medicine world. She's not...
Everything You Want to Know about Gluten-Free Living 101. In pictures!
This is a great visual interpretation of everything you want to know about gluten-free living. Generously shared by MedAlertHelp.org