ACT stands for Acceptance and Commitment Therapy. Personally I would describe it as a cross between traditional psychotherapy and life coaching. It’s extremely helpful for reducing anxiety and stress overall.
Carla Alpert
Best Foods for a Great Sex Drive
Your sex drive, or libido, is greatly influenced by biological and physical factors....
Ways to Boost Your Metabolism with Exercise
If you want to optimize your metabolism and maximize the amount of calories your body...
Clean Eating Tips for the Busy Person
The busier you get, the less likely you are to think about healthy eating. The good news...
5 Tips on How to Get the Best Sleep
It goes without saying that we need to sleep in order to function at optimal levels....
Your Stress Starts With Your Mindset
There is no way to escape it – everyone has at least some type of stress in their life....
How to Have Better Sleep–Melatonin
I like to call it "free healing". Sleep is the easiest and most restorative way to help...
12 Ways to Use Essential Oils
Natures Gifts Essential oils are aromatic compounds that are extracted from the flowers,...
Change Habits For Good
Decisional Balance is a simple tool to help you weigh the benefits and costs of changing...