Lifestyle Medicine

Food as Medicine / Lifestyle Medicine Solutions / Lifestyle Medicine Programs

Food as medicine is the forefront of healing and creating a well-balanced and healthy life. Exploring other lifestyle medicine solutions, including rest, exercise, stress reduction and supplementation as appropriate, is also important to achieving your best health. When we work together, these are the pieces of the puzzle we explore that help us determine the specific path for you.

Food as Medicine  Lifestyle Medicine Solutions  Lifestyle Medicine Programs


“Diet” does not mean cutting calories or measuring food. It refers to healthy eating and mindful eating. There’s not one way of eating, that’s right for every person. Food though, is TRULY a game changer and can really impact ones health for the better (or worse) if you’re consuming processed foods or foods that you might be sensitive too.

The idea is to clean things up and make food choices closest to their natural form. Change to eating whole and organic foods when possible. Eat organic grass fed meats and wild caught fish. Stay away from the Dirty Dozen if you can’t always buy organic. Cut out sugar, fake sugar (the worst), and sodas for sure. Make colorful plates full of varied veggies. Avoiding gluten, dairy and sugar are game changers in reducing inflammation in the body.


It’s recommended to get between 7-8 hours of sleep per night. Go to bed and get up at the same time every day. When you’re consistent it reinforces your body’s sleep-wake cycle to promote restful sleep. Try to get into bed by 10:00-10:30. (I know some of you are thinking this is impossible but try the best you can) since the hours between 10pm – 2am are the most regenerative. Turn off the electronics an hour before bed. Blue light affects the sleep hormone melatonin and could contribute to why you can’t fall asleep or stay asleep. If you can’t get off your devices try a pair of glasses that block the blue light. Instead create a pre-bed ritual to wind down with possibly a warm bath or a good book.


Move your body. Sweating increases blood flow and helps the body detox. Exercise might be a vigorous workout if your body is up for that, or could be a walk in nature. Yoga is a also a good alternative for those recovering and need to take it slow. Moving is what’s key. Start slow and listen to your body.

Stress Reduction

Spend time with loved ones and cut time with people who take up too much space. Enjoy hobbies. Get out in nature. Walk barefoot. Make time to play—life is not all about crossing off your list and working. Practice meditation. Practice gratitude. Take a break to “breathe”—in mindfulness this is called “pausing”. Seek out practitioners such as chiropractors, acupuncturists, and therapists to help manage stress.


In today’s world with our food supply, depleted soils and constant exposure to toxins, most of us need to supplement at least for short periods of time to rebuild what the body is lacking. The goal is to create balance by adding missing elements, or to support and stimulate the body. Remember the quality of supplements is just as important.

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