I come from the Twinkie generation. I knew once the last bell freed me from my desk, that I’d come home to find one waiting for me in the cupboard. I’m under no illusion that the younger me was making top-notch after school snack choices. Still, the Twinkies of my childhood are a different snack cake from the Twinkies of today.
Carla Alpert
The Power Of Gratitude
The following article came to me in an email and is copied in it's entirety with...
Why Setting Boundaries With Soul Suckers Is Imperative For Your Health
There isn’t a single person alive who isn’t stressed. Even the Dalai Lama has things to...
Is Gluten-Free A Fad (Or Is Gluten A Foe)?
We’ve been through fad after fad in an effort to whittle waistlines, squeeze into our high school jeans, get fit for swimsuit season, and to get healthier overall. Today’s big question: Is going gluten-free a fad diet, or is gluten sensitivity a real health problem?
Is Eating Oil Healthy? Everything You Need to Know
Coconut Oil, Olive Oil, Sesame Oil, Avocado Oil, Palm Oil, Vegetable Oil and So Many...
Rewire Your Brain To Be Well
The term Neuroplasticity means that our brain has the ability to re-adapt and rewire. ...
Give Your Liver Some Lovin
Everything you consume passes through your liver, from your healthy green smoothie at breakfast to the few cocktails you had at your nephews wedding.
Why Antacids Are Counterproductive
So you might be thinking you have a lot of stomach acid which is causing your heartburn—no problem. You take either an over the counter antacid as needed or one prescribed by your doctor daily. Boy do you start feeling better, so you think it’s under control.
Not All Supplements Are Created Equal
Truth be told, vitamin deficiencies can lead to a wide range of problems from weight issues, and organ malfunctions, to fatigue and depression.